How Incredibly Loved You Are, Baby | Seattle Family Photographer

Baby girl, I hope you always know how loved you are. I hope you know that when you turned one, your mama made you a cake with three different types of cake because she didn’t know what you would like in the cake world. I hope you also know that she was totally laid back about all this fancy birthday stuff because she is so tuned in with you and made sure you were having a really fun time. I hope you remember what it felt like when she danced with you, her heart filled with joy to have you in her arms.

I hope you see how your Papa looked at you with so much pride. I hope you always look at him in this way when he scooped you up as a baby. I hope you know how big he smiled when you dove in face first to eat your cake.

Baby girl, I hope you know today and always how incredibly loved you are. And if for one second you have doubt about the amount of love that has been poured into you in this first year of life, I hope you look back at these photos and feel that deeply rooted love.

Katie Anela Deisler