Illuminated Roots | 4: A Craft | Anela Deisler Photography


The kids were hungry, the sun was setting and I wanted to do something with them. Partly because I like them and partly because I figured if I gave them attention we might have a more peaceful dinner. So I gave them some muffins, and googled “polish craft”. I was thinking about the beautiful and colorful polish folk art, but then pajaki chandeliers came up and they looked easier :). So I grabbed some pipe cleaners, beads and tissue paper.


This isn’t so much about making a fancy craft, but for me it was about getting my kids into something and observing their tiny hands. And the way they focus. How his eyes slightly cross when he’s focused on a little detail and how she licks her lips when she’s thinking. How long do they try to get a bead on before they look away. How hard it is to hold such tiny little items with such tiny little fingers. How they reach a point of giving up and then what they do with that...and what I do with it. Dinner was still rocky but we had a nice time.

Day 4: Google “easy ____ craft” focusing on a culture that’s special to your family and pick something that’s pretty manageable. If you can, find a little story about it to share with the kids.

Prep for Day 5: Google or look on pinterest for “ ___ Christmas Tradition”. Or holiday or winter tradition for a place that’s special to your family. Try to find some photos or a story to share. Nothing too fancy. Then maybe think of a way you can make something like what you see. Maybe a little decoration.

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Katie Anela Deisler