A Day In the Life, June 18, 2020 | Anela Deisler Photography
The thing I’m hanging onto lately is how these kids keep going. They don’t know any better. They don’t crave lounging on the couch all day and therefore we don’t either. So we’re tired and when our minds are spinning and spinning they demand a bike ride or a walk in the woods. For this I’m incredibly grateful.
So I just used an online calculator and found that this was day 100 of quarantine is about 3 weeks after we moved in to a new home. A month into quarantine, we put an offer on a home. It’s been the strangest thing to have one of my biggest dreams come true while the world feels like it’s collapsing into itself. This is what it looked like. Nick was still teaching from home…I think this day was the fifth grade graduation actually. His parents were visiting, we found a free gravity chair, the bikes were out, and there was a magical cloud rainbow. Sending love your way.
Here’s a link to the Day in the Life I did on March something or other.