Illuminating Roots | 2: Map Drawing | Anela Deisler Photography
Its Day 2 of our Illuminated Roots Project. Today I showed the kids our globe and asked them what it is. They said it’s the world but then asked if the world was bigger than our house so I know their world is still so small.
We looked at a map I found online because our printer’s broken and talked about what we saw. “Is that a state, too mama?” “Do they speak Spanish or English there?” “Where does Gramma live?” “Where does Max live?”
Then we drew our own maps freehand. I first talked to them about having grace for themselves as drawing a map is really hard. It’s a great practice in trying to draw something that will look nothing like what you want and that’s okay but sometimes really frustrating.
While they drew, I got to do my little photo session. They didn’t get too annoyed with me or the fact that I turned out the lights so it’d just have the low sun shining in. Maybe it’s because they just watched Mary Poppins…the whole movie, maybe it’s because drawing a map was actually interesting. But I played with focus and went outside to shoot through the door and played with our lights on the patio.
While Mo and I labeled where home was, Makai drew some train tracks on his map which he did not want me to photograph so I’ll leave that to your imagination.
I’d love for you to join us in celebrating your own roots. If you do please let me know and if you feel like it you can use #illuminating_roots
Day 2: Look at the world. What do you see? Where do you live? Where does ____ live? Draw it, color the land green and the water blue. Label home.
Prep for Day 3: Pick one culture you want to focus on and think about the music you hear there.